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News and Stories from Take Shape


The Positive Butterfly Effect of Adventure

Many people ask what adventure is good for, and we usually immediately think about the personal benefits of nature and adventure, and how it can improve our physical health, refresh our minds, and help us create new and exciting connections with others. But the positive effects of nature ripple out further than that, with adventurers supporting small businesses and individuals both locally and across the whole world! So let us walk you through (pardon the pun) exactly how adventure can be both fun and impactful.

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Julie’s Journey

We’re back with another community story! This week, we’re hearing from the wonderfully delightful Julie Ewing, who I think should be an inspiration to us all in her ability to put her fears aside and give things a go. Although she’s only been adventuring with TSA for a little over a year, she quickly became beloved by our guides and staff for her infectious personality and iconic Facebook Community posts. So have a read to hear about her journey!

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The Unknown Secret to Being More Productive

Have you ever thought about how different you feel when you’re in nature, compared to when you’re at work in an office – or whatever type of space is relevant to you? As someone who is most familiar with an office, I know it can sometimes feel stifling, closed in, and uninspiring. I reckon this can affect my work more than I realise. But when I’m out in nature, the sun’s shining, birds are chirping, I feel like a million bucks! But did you know that beyond the sheer joy of outdoor escapades, there’s some serious science behind how nature and adventure can supercharge your productivity? Keep reading to learn about the positive psychology concept of Flow, and how getting outdoors can get you in the zone like never before!

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Why Spontaneity Isn’t Always the Best Approach to Adventure

Are you more of a last-minute adventurer or do you need a long-term plan to fit in all your adventures? I speak to all kinds of people and there’s a massive range out there, from those who need to know about a short hike weeks in advance, to people who book a weekend of adventure on a Thursday! Whether you want your next hiking adventure to last a few hours, a few days, or even a few weeks, you may want to start thinking about planning your next hiking adventure in advance. Here’s why…

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Hiking Hydration Questions, Answered

We’re all probably guilty of either under or over-packing water on a hike, even if we don’t realise it. It can be tricky to figure out. How much should I be drinking? How much can I carry? Does the weather affect this? Does the type of hiking affect this? Not enough water and you end up feeling dry-mouthed and possibly dizzy, too much water and your pack could become super heavy and the toilet breaks could become endless! Have a read to find the answers to these questions and get some more great tips on staying hydrated.

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Thoughts around International Women’s Day

With International Women’s Day coming up, it’s made me reflect on my experience as a woman who owns her own business, has a family, and supports many other women through adventure. I just wanted to share some of the thoughts I’ve had recently in my own private time, or in chats I’ve had with people around me. Hopefully, you can take away a little nugget of wisdom or inspiration for some March Motivation, or just have something interesting to reflect on for yourself.

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Balancing Work and Play in Your Life

In our fast-paced world that loves glamorising the ‘hustle’ or the ‘grind’ of working 24/7, finding a balance between work and play can feel like an impossible or unsustainable dream. But it’s actually the constant working that is the unsustainable option. Achieving an equilibrium of both work and play in our lives is crucial for our wellbeing and overall satisfaction in life – and it’s not impossible!

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Fall in Love with Adventure

We may not realise it, or maybe we just don’t like to think about it, but our world likes to focus on always striving for more power, money, and validation from others. One of the concepts that gets lost amongst all this noise is the concept of self-love; it often takes a backseat to seeking external love. Many of us find ourselves trapped in a cycle of wanting approval, constantly comparing ourselves to unattainable and unrealistic standards, and neglecting the most crucial relationship there is in our lives – the one with ourselves.

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The Importance of the Kumano Kodo Trail

Japan’s Kumano Kodo trail has been a pilgrimage route for over a thousand years, once used by people from all walks of life, including emperors and aristocrats. Today, it is walked by adventurers like us here at TSA who want to challenge themselves and immerse themselves in Japanese culture. The area was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage, named Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range. The beautiful area features formidable mountains, natural coastlines, massive old trees, and an abundance of waterfalls and scenic rivers.

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Must-Have Experiences in Morocco

Morocco is a gorgeous country located in Northern Africa but is also extremely close to Spain, separated only by the Strait of Gibraltar. Because of its location, it has influences coming from Berber, Arabian, and European cultures, making it a diverse and exciting place to explore. On top of this rich culture, Morocco is home to some gorgeous natural wonders that cannot be missed. Here are the best must-have cultural experiences you can have in Morocco.

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How to Stop Burnout in its Tracks

How are you going? I mean, how are you really going? Personally, I’ve been feeling exhausted lately and speaking to many people, I am not alone. I keep hearing that people are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted as if it were the end of the year, but we’ve barely made it through the first month! Why is this?

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5 Ways to be Body Positive in the New Year

As we embark on a new year, we are given a great opportunity to adopt a more affirmative approach toward our well-being. Rather than imposing restrictive resolutions born from negativity and self-criticism, let’s strive for enduring change that generates ongoing positivity in our lives and health. Let’s prioritise self-compassion and self-acceptance, a truly innovative concept amidst the popular “new year, new me” culture.

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